The versatility of Convertigo for both business and public apps

In the digital age, the power to swiftly adapt and deliver tailored software solutions is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Convertigo steps into this space with a compelling proposition: the development of business applications for internal audience as well as dynamic public apps for the wider consumer market.

Business apps: speed and efficiency

Convertigo's platform excels in creating business applications, specifically crafted for a known and identified user base within a company. These applications serve as a pivotal tool for streamlining operations, enhancing productivity, and providing personalized user experiences.

For example, BNP Paribas or Darty have leveraged Convertigo’s Low code platform to develop applications that cater to their unique business environments.

Public apps: reach a large audience 

Convertigo extends its capabilities to the realm of public applications. These apps are designed for a broad user base whose engagement can fluctuate over time. Such apps must be responsive and scalable.

Consider the success stories of Linkbook and Republica. These applications made with the Low Code platform managed to sustain significant user engagement.

Embracing platform diversity: from stores to PWA’s

Convertigo empowers developers to publish their creations on app stores such as iOS & Android, making them readily available to the masses. However, for those looking to bypass the app store route, Convertigo also supports progressive web apps (PWAs). PWA’s offer a mobile app experience directly from a web browser, circumventing the need for a store download, and making the reach easier. 

Scalability: handling the weight of success

Whether it's a business or a customer-facing application, scalability is the cornerstone of modern app development. Apps made with Convertigo are engineered to withstand substantial volumes of users and data. The BNP Paribas portal handles upwards of 40,000 users, while Linkbook has proven its mettle with over 1,000 simultaneous users- a testament to Convertigo’s scalable architecture.


Convertigo's dual approach in catering to both business and public app sectors underscores the platform's agility and capability. With the prowess to support high user volumes, the flexibility to operate across different types of app markets, and the ability to publish via multiple channels, Convertigo is setting a precedent for what it means to provide versatile, powerful app development tools in the modern era.