Gartner confirms Convertigo Low code mobile development platform as "Honorable Mention"

Gartner confirms Convertigo #Lowcode Mobile Development Platform as "Honorable Mention" in recent MXDP (Multi eXperience Development Platform) 2020 Study.

This confirms Convertigo's value for its Open Source Low Code platform targeting professional developers in large enterprises as well as its new Convertigo #NoCode module targeting citizen developers in smaller companies. Thanks to Convertigo's #LowCode & #Nocode technologies, Enterprises will now be able to build Mobile & Web apps with a fraction of the cost and time to deliver compared to traditional development.

Based on open standards such as #Kubernetes, #Angular & #NodeJS, Convertigo #LowCode platform can be used on premises or on the Cloud. The platform provides an "all in one" integrated solution for #MBaaS (Mobile Backend as a Service), Offline datasync, #LowCode back-end service design and #LowCode Front-end for pixel-perfect UI design.