From Binary to No Code, an history of IT













“By 2024, low-code application development will be responsible for more than 65% of application development activity.”

Introduction to Low Code

Quite unknown a few years ago in the world of web and mobile development, the Low code is gaining ground and aims to be a major player in the development world in the coming years.

What is “Low Code” ?

It is a way to develop and design software applications faster and simpler, significantly reducing the amount of code to write yourself. Several positive points about this new system: It allows experienced developers to increase their performance by not neglecting the quality of their productions, and allows Citizen developers to create applications more simply and intuitively. Indeed, by using visual modeling through a graphical interface, configuring and building applications has never been more accessible.
ComputerBuilding blocks
To take a slightly more explicit example, let’s take the building case. We can either build brick by brick or in a more efficient way using standard components, but nevertheless customizable. All within automated processes, allowing a shorter delivery time for the products, without altering their quality.

Low code platforms allow you to avoid repetitive tasks, to focus on the key parts of your application in order to increase your productivity. In addition, they rely on standard market technologies, which has two advantages. On the one hand, it allows you to rely on standard components and on the other hand, it allows you to create components for specific needs tailored to your business.

Why should you use Low Code ?

Let us explain more precisely how it works and how to create applications with Low code.

Many developers in the software world rely on different libraries and Api’s that will allow them to focus on THE added value they can bring to the application.

Low code will allow these developers to offer tools that help them visually build complete applications, using the “drag and drop” method. It allows a better overall vision of the application’s construction and a time’s optimization, thus reducing considerably the number of lines of code to be written. That means being more productive while having an equally optimal quality.
Convertigo Studio Low Code animationLow code decorative illustration
Low code development platforms can be divided into 4 main elements:

First of all, there is a visual development environment, where you will be able to define the user interface thanks to drag and drop, to add actions and animations. This is what will create the base of the application, both visually and functionally. It is even possible to add your own hand-code to add custom features.

Then there are the connectors that allow us to extract data from scattered sources. The Convertigo platform has many connectors such as SAP, Web Services, Nosql, Baserow, Salesforce, Twitter, Linkedin, Office365 and others.

Also, there are automated tools that will build the application, dump it, maintain his organization, test the final version for the user...

Even better, AI can be used to automatically generate applications components or assist the developper when he has to write come code using Copilot
Most of Low code platforms have these 4 main features. However, they are not identical. Each platform has different specificities. Some are more focused on the front-end and the visual part, others on the back-end, favouring connectors…

And others like Convertigo, which have a complete offer and often called “fullstack” platforms.

It is also necessary to distinguish no code platforms than low code platforms. They are made for non developers that allow business users to create applications but with limited possibilities, and low customization capabilities. Here we will talk about “Citizen development".

On the other hand we find platforms like Convertigo that in no way limit the creative and technical capacities of the developers and that allow to extend the capacities on creating reusable custom components.

Why is Low Code so fast to build applications ?

See a comparison of steps needed to build a typical business application using Pro code (on the left) and Low code (On the right)

As you see, Low Code requires half the steps needed compared to Pro code !
Determine the requirements
Remains useful
Define the architecture
Convertigo Cloud is already built on a redundant, multi-tenant architecture based on the latest technologies on the market, as Microservices, Vertical, Horizontal Scalability, Docker and Kubernetes.
Choose a back-end framework, libraries, and third-party Api's
The platform manages the data store and allows access to third party Apis thanks to many connectors
Choose a front-end framework
The platform already has a framework
Implement the “continuous integration” (CI)
Remains useful
Create wireframes and visual prototypes
Remains useful
Code the user interface
Drag and drop system
Deal with bugs
There are obviously less bugs, but this step is still important
Define models and connect them to the data servers
Entirely made by the platform, 10 to 50 times less work.
Set and code your “Business logic”
Entirely made by the platform, 10 to 50 times less work.
Create views to provide and receive useful JSON data for the front-end part
Implement your user interface in the chosen front-end framework
Integrate third-party Apis using their interfaces
Very simple thanks to the multiple connectors provided
Try again until tests are successful
Remains useful, but less retries !
Test your application’s safety, performance and optimization
The platform is already tested in general at the level of performance and safety, there are only functional tests to be done.
Deploy the application, update it, and manage bugs until the application’s end of life
Deploy the application