Evaluate a No code practice

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Citizens developers are business users, without advanced technical skills.

And thanks to No code, they can create web and mobile applications. Without any code.

Here are 4 key indicators to evaluate the success and effectiveness of a No code practice.


No code allows "citizen developers", business users without advanced technical skills, to create functional applications, automate processes, and solve operational problems without writing a single line of code. This democratization of technology is transforming the way companies develop and deploy applications. Like any technological initiative, it is essential to assess the effectiveness and impact of a No code practice. Here are 4 key indicators to evaluate its success.

01. Team satisfaction

Team satisfaction is a crucial indicator for measuring the success of a No code practice. It manifests in several ways : Ease of use : Trained individuals quickly become comfortable with the tools and can use them effectively without frustration. Positive feedbacks : User feedback is an excellent way to measure their satisfaction. High adoption rate : A high adoption rate indicates that the business units see the value these platforms bring and help promote their use across other entities within the company. A team that takes pride in improving and facilitating processes is a positive sign for the entire organization.

02. Number of projects

The number of completed projects is an important quantitative indicator, but it must be analyzed qualitatively: Operational impact : It's not enough to create numerous applications; they must have a significant and visible impact on operations for all stakeholders. The solutions should address a specific and well-defined need. Extension of use cases : The ability to extend the use of No code tools to other teams and departments is also a sign of success. If the adoption of No code happens quickly and effectively, it facilitates a broader and faster digital transformation. Indeed, the adoption of a new approach is a process that takes time. It can sometimes be challenging to make it relatively quick.

03. Business teams independence from the IT department

One of the major advantages of No code is reducing the dependence of business teams on the IT department. This indicator can be measured by observing : Reduction in IT backlog : It is essential to measure (in %) how much No code has reduced the IT project backlog. A significant decrease indicates that business teams can develop and deploy solutions without constant intervention from professional developers, which is positive in terms of resource optimization. ROI (Return On Investment) : The value here lies in the ROI generated by deploying more solutions more quickly (for example operational impacts in terms of costs).

04. TCO (Total cost of ownership)

TCO is a financial indicator that evaluates the long-term cost logic. The company can ask itself : → What would have been the cost of increasing IT resources to develop all applications created using No code platforms? The cost of No code platform licenses and their maintenance is generally lower than that of traditional development. → What is the budget allocated to maintaining these applications? The cost to evolve and maintain No code applications is often lower because these modifications can be made quickly without requiring extensive interventions. Of course, an implementation is only successful if the applications developed using No code are secured and integrated into the company's overall IT architecture.

These indicators can be combined, and others can be added based on the specific needs and objectives of the company. Indeed, a successful implementation of No Code is not limited to these indicators.