Convertigo vs Microsoft Power Apps

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No code and Low code development platforms such as Microsoft Power Apps and Convertigo have now become essential for businesses wanting to innovate without being hindered by obsolete systems or limited software development resources.

Discover how Convertigo stands out as a serious alternative to Microsoft Power Apps in 5 points: Open Source, hosting, pricing model, customization and No code accessibility.


No code and Low code development platforms such as Convertigo and Microsoft Power Apps are now being used by huge companies, in France in particular. Convertigo remains a serious alternative to Power Apps. Let’s see how. 01. Open Source. Convertigo, as an Open technology, offers considerable flexibility to companies and developers. By freeing companies from the risk of dependency on a single provider, Convertigo ensures greater freedom in supplier choice, thus avoiding the pitfalls of “vendor lock-in”. Moreover, its non-contaminating license allows developers to integrate and use the platform without compromising the intellectual property of their projects. Power Apps has a proprietary structure that may limit its users in term of flexibility and control.

Companies using Power Apps might find themselves locked into Microsoft’s ecosystem, facing high costs and limited options if migration becomes necessary. Furthermore, Power Apps restricts external contributions, which can hinder the enhancement and innovation produced by the developer community.

02. Sovereign hosting

Convertigo offers flexible hosting options, addressing the growing concerns of businesses regarding data sovereignty. 3 possible choices : * On Premises, directly in the company’s data centers * Convertigo Cloud, on OVH. * Client’s choice of cloud, without restrictions.

Power Apps is limited to exclusively using Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure. This limitation presents challenges for companies that require diverse cloud options for reasons of performance, compliance or risk. The lack of On premises deployment is a major inconvenient for organizations that require absolute control over their applications and data, thus limiting their ability to operate in highly regulated or secure environments.

03. Pricing model

Convertigo offers a predictable pricing model, based either on the number of end-users or on the usage time of the final applications. This approach simplifies financial management for businesses, allowing them to accurately forecast their expenses without worrying about unexpected costs. The predictability of costs is particularly advantageous for growing businesses or those managing tight budgets, as it helps avoid financial surprises and facilitates long-term planning.

The pricing model of Power Apps can be complex and less predictable, as it incorporates both the costs of end-users but also the resources used.

04. Features and customization

Convertigo excels in its ability to develop pixel-perfect applications with a fully customizable user interface. Essentially, it can replicate a design from Figma for exemple. Moreover, it allows the addition of custom code and the creation of integrations using standard languages (JavaScript/TypeScript). There are no limitations on the design of applications.

Power Apps, on the other hand, has certain limitations that can hinder customization. It only allows code addition through a proprietary language, PowerFX, which is often unpopular among developers. Moreover, there are restrictions in terms of user interface customization, limiting developers to predefined options that do not always meet the specific requirements of projects.

05. No code accessibility

Convertigo has a unique No code / Low code approach by separating the two concepts and offering two different studios : a Low Code studio for IT and a No Code studio for business users. The No Code studio provides business teams with the ability to digitize their own processes without requiring programming skills. These teams, being more autonomous, address their needs on their own without resorting to unmanaged tools within the organization (such as Excel or Google Sheets), thereby limiting shadow IT. With this new approach, the backlog of projects for the IT department can be reduced, allowing them to focus on more strategic projects.

Power Apps is not accessible to business teams and its development studio would therefore resemble Convertigo’s Low Code studio, oriented towards IT developers.

Convertigo is a powerful alternative to Power Apps, offering advantages in terms of flexibility, data sovereignty control, cost predictability and application customization. For European companies or companies valuing independence and customization, Convertigo could be the ideal solution. By choosing Convertigo, companies are embracing a platform that promotes freedom, open innovation and alignement with European standards.