Tutorial n°6 : Set up and use a No Code database

Step 5 : Display Database in your project #3

Now that we have the names, why not completing it with the pictures ?
To do so, you will have to add an "Avatar Item" component into your "ListItem" in the treeview. As you can see for now it shows Yoda, and even if everybody loves Yoda, let's put the people's real faces  :

First of all you can change the Slot to "start" (in the properties) to put the image at the left of the names. Then, in the Treeview, open the Avatar Item, click on the "Image" component and then go to the Source Picker. Click on Photo -> [0] -> url and drag & drop the url field in your image component : And here are the employee's faces !

The last step will show how to add a searchbar that will find the employees according to what you typesearch.
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