Tutorial n°6 : Set up and use a No Code database

Step 4 : Display Database in your project #2

When you place a ListContainer, that includes a ForEach that will be useful :
Click the ForEach, then go into the "Source picker" at the right of the Palette. Here you will have to find the right sequence to iterate : the "Employee_DirectoryEmployeesList" one.
Click it, then open "objects" and select "results", the one that contains the Data. Drag & drop it into your ForEach.
Open this ForEach until finding the "{{item.text}}". Click it, and, in the source picker, click the Blue iterator arrow, select the ForEach that is proposed and inside it choose "Full name" : drag & drop it into your "{{item.text}}" and it will display every full names of the database in the application.

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