Step 13 : Create Front-end for your application #4
Expand ForEach -> ListItem -> label components. Click the "Image" component, select the "src" property and double-click the "SC" button. In the Source picker click the "Show Iterators on current page Sources", click "ForEach CNN_news_reader.Get_CNN_Feed -> news" on the left panel and click "imageUrl" on the right panel.
Expand ForEach -> ListItem -> H1 components. Click the "SET TITLE SOURCE" component, select the "Text value" property and double-click the "SC" button. In the Source picker click the "Show Iterators on current page Sources", click "ForEach CNN_news_reader.Get_CNN_Feed -> news" on the left panel and click "title" on the right panel.
Expand ForEach -> ListItem -> Paragraph components. Click the "SET DESCRIPTION SOURCE" component, select the "Text value" property and double-click the "SC" button. In the Source picker click the "Show Iterators on current page Sources", click "ForEach CNN_news_reader.Get_CNN_Feed -> news" on the left panel and click "description" on the right panel.