Tutorial n°1 : Create, build and deploy your application
This first tutorial will teach you the basics of the main steps for a Convertigo Low Code application. We are about to create an empty application first, then we will learn how to create content in it.
Step 1 : Create a new project
You are now ready to create your first project ! To start, click on the "File" menu on the top left, then choose "New", and select "Project". Then select "Convertigo Low Code FullStack Web/Desktop or Mobile app project", and name your project "my_first_app".
Note : If you name your project differently, you will not be able to continue properly the tutorial..
Note 2 : You can use "reset perspective" by right clicking the Convertigo icon on the top right of the platform --> "Reset" --> "Reset perspective"to reset the Studio windows.
You can also start a new project by clicking the "Convertigo Low Code FullStack Web/Desktop or Mobile app project" directly in the left window of the Studio when you start it.