Tutorial 1 - Create, Build and Deploy

This first tutorial will teach you the basics of the main steps for a Convertigo Low Code application. We are about to create an empty application first, then we will learn how to create content in it.

Step 1 : Create a new project

You are now ready to create your first project !
To start, click on the "File" menu on the top left, then choose "New", and select "Project".
Then select "Convertigo Low Code FullStack Web/Desktop or Mobile app project", and name your project "my_first_app".

Note : If you name your project differently, you will not be able to continue properly the tutorial..

Note 2 :
You can use "reset perspective" by right clicking the Convertigo icon on the top right of the platform --> "Reset" --> "Reset perspective"to reset the Studio windows.

You can also start a new project by clicking the "Convertigo Low Code FullStack Web/Desktop or Mobile app project" directly in the left window of the Studio when you start it.

Tutorial 1 - Create, Build and Deploy Step 2

Step 2 : Show project in visual app viewer

Now that your project has been created, you surely want to visually see what you are about to develop : To open the visual app viewer (that will display nothing at this time obviously), click on your project and simply use the play button just above it. The visual app will automatically appear on the right side of the platform.

Note : The first time you do it for a given project, Convertigo will download and install all the needed components to your application. This can take several minutes depending on your network and Workstation power.

Another way to do it is to click on your project, open "application" and double click on "Ngx App" to display your application visually.

Tutorial 1 - Create, Build and Deploy Step 3

Step 3 : Build the application for  deployment

Once your (empty) application is displayed, you will have to build your application in order to deploy it on your Cloud environment. Fortunately, the build is automatic as soon as you deploy your project :

To proceed, right click on your project in the treeview, then click "Deploy". It will open a window that will automatically build your application. Once done, name your project version as you like, and click next -> finish. Il will give you a link where you will be able to find your deployed application.

Your application is now created, built and deployed ! All you have to do is to click the link provided in the studio.

Tutorial 1 - Create, Build and Deploy Step 4

Step 4 : See your deployed  application on your server

In the Convertigo Test Platform (https://trial.convertigo.net/
), click on the "execute here" button below the QR Code.
You can also scan the QR Code directly with your smartphone to see it on your mobile.

You now know the steps start to finish to display your application ! Now, let's move to another tutorial where you are going to see how to create any type of content in your application.

Tutorial 1 - Create, Build and Deploy Step 5

Step 5 : Visualize your application on your server

Your application is now created, built and deployed ! All you have to do is to click the link provided in the studio (https://trial.convertigo.net/convertigo/projects/my_first_app), and in the server page click on the "execute here" button below the QR Code.
You can also scan the QR Code directly with your smartphone to see it on your mobile.

You now know the steps start to finish to display your application ! Now, let's move to another tutorial where you are going to see how to create any type of content in your application.

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